Daruma Design

Thoughts on Interaction Design and User Experience.

Posts Tagged ‘Interaction Design

Concept Design

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Seems as though a lot of people still equate Interaction Design (IxD) with Interface Design, which is kind of hard to fault considering how often the two roles intertwine and the large number of people wearing both hats – myself included. However, I believe that its important that a greater audience be made aware of the true nature of IxD and the key role it has to play in the future of both the design industry and business.

Apart from the role IxD plays supporting the creation of usable and and engaging interface designs for webware and software, I now see IxD making valuable contributions to the following business activities:

  • Business Process Design,
  • Service Design
  • and Concept Design.

I thought the following presentation by Jørgen Rosted, exploring Concept Design, gave some excellent insights into the future of IxD.

Daruma Design

Written by darumadesign

May 19, 2008 at 12:14 pm